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napkin material/paper type

Tissue napkins made of absorbent cellulose

TissueTissue is a very absorbent and soft cellulose made of cellulose. Tissue napkins are usually multi-layered. However, there are also single-layer tissue napkins. Since the material thickness here is very thin, the single-layer tissue napkins are often additionally provided with an embossed pattern or structure so that they feel fuller. Multilayer tissue napkins have an embossed edge with a specific pattern. This embossing edge is necessary so that the individual layers adhere to each other. Each manufacturer has its own sample to mark the tissue napkins. The embossing edge on the tissue napkins is usually very discreet and neutral. It is the typical characteristic of double-folded paper napkins.

Airlaid napkins from high-quality Airlaid

AirlaidWhereas in classic paper production cellulose softened in water is pressed, in airlaid production it remains dry: The cellulose, together with binding agents, is shaped by compressed air and "laid" into the material. This results in the English term "Airlaid". Airlaid is particularly tear-resistant, very low linting and can absorb liquids very well. The fabric also feels pleasantly soft, similar to cotton. Airlaid is therefore ideal for use as a fabric-like napkin. Especially in gastronomy these napkins are a very good substitute for classic fabric napkins. You are welcome to try it out yourself. Airlaid napkins are in contrast to the tissue napkins single-layer.

Linclass napkins made of high-quality Linclas

The manufacturers like Mank have their own names for their Airlaid fabrics such as Linclass (registered trademarks). These substances differ from the standard airlaid in a better quality.

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